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Andrew Brenza



Silence descended. WRYTHM waited. The lights went out. WRYTHM watched. For WRYTHM had called forth an inhuman alterity. For WRYTHM had caused it to rise from the earth and consume the sky. We saw its emptiness and we trembled, we raged. We were alone and frightened. We raged in our fear…. So begins humanity’s relationship with an artificial intelligence called WRYTHM, a relationship that will lead both to fundamental questions of free will and mutual survival. Weaving together prose narrative, visual poetry and blank verse, WRYTHM is a bold experimental exploration of the meaning of consciousness.

Praise for WRYTHM

Andrew Brenza’s poetic pugnacity is needed as we near the PERMANENT MIDNIGHT of unclean and automated commercial language, an insatiable will to surveillant power, last news cycle’s neoliberal drone war, and the forthcoming power grid attacks that leave us fighting like wild-eyed fiends over a can of dubiously-nutritious Alpo.
— Mike Sauve (from the Introduction)





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